Star Quest is a complex tale of abandonment and loneliness wrapped in a colorful and simple art style. This game is based upon certain events covered in the popular novel Stargirl. In this short experience you play as Stargirl, the main character of the book, and help a few hand-picked characters from the book. Anything from finding your lost ukulele to giving back lipstick you didn't steal!

  • No Map? No Problem! You're path is carved  by no one but you, so why limit it to a map? Explore the school at your own pace, complete quests, or don't. Get lost in the eerily empty halls and quiet classrooms.
  • Get to know a colorful cast of characters as you progress on your journey. Get to know them through thoughtful dialogue spread out within the game. Each with their own problems, character traits, and relationship with you, it's impossible to get bored.
  • Enjoying the game? Support by donating or commenting, any feedback is appreciated. Really into the game, try reading Stargirl, the book the game is based on. Learn more about each of the established characters and get to know many more in Jerry Spinelli's 2000 novel.

The purpose of this game is to promote the aging book by Jerry Spinelli - Stargirl. Other than that, the game takes time to silently point to certain messages. Messages of friendship and the importance of it. Messages about loneliness and how exploitative people are.

Whether the you're the class clown, nerd, jock, teacher's pet, or anything in between, you will connect with something. The game, and the book by extension, appeal to all ages, races, backgrounds, and futures...

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